Central NH HazMat Team
The Central NH HazMat Team provides service to towns within the Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid and Capital Area Mutual Fire Aid districts.

About the Central NH Hazardous Materials Team
State of New Hampshire Department of Safety & Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Tier II Reporting Requirements
Facilities should send their Tier II reports electronically as a file with .t2s extension, which is how it will be exported from the Tier2 Submit program when you use the Create Submission Function (found under "File”). By using the "Create Submission Function” the program will also check for errors in your report.
Please name your exported file with your facility name (no space between names) and year (example: TheSmithCompany2012).
Send the named export file to Sandra Lambert at NH Homeland Security & Emergency Management using the following email address:NHTier2@dos.nh.gov.
If you are unable to send it electronically, please transfer the .t2s file to a CD and mail it to the following address:
Sandra Lambert, NH Tier II Program Coordinator
State of NH Department of Safety
Homeland Security & Emergency Management
33 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03305
Please do not send your report on a floppy disc. Also, if you file the report electronically, you do not need to send it via U.S. Mail as well. If you have any questions or need assistance, you may contact Sandy at the email address above or by calling (603) 271-2231.
Please Remember: SDS(new)/MSDS(old) Sheets, Site plans, Emergency/Contingency Plans or One Plan/ICP – Intergraded Contingency Plan, Facility Floor Plan Drawings, Photos, and/or Video Clips should all be uploaded and attached directly into the Tier II report under the Site Plan Files tab located under the Certification Function prior to sending. You no longer need to send this information separately by U.S. mail.
Thank you for your cooperation and continued commitment to public safety and emergency management.
Hazardous Materials Tier II Reporting
The communities listed below are official members of the NH REPC. As such these communities can send electronic Tier 2 reports (PDF FILES or .T2s Files) to the Central NH REPC at the following email address: centralnhhazmat@gmail.com This electronic report will address the needs for the local fire department, as well as the LEPC reporting requirements. In addition the state of NH requires the .T2s files to be mailed to the following email address: NHTier2@dos.nh.gov
Alexandria, Ashland, Barnstead, Belmont, Bristol, Boscawen, Bow, Campton, Canterbury, Center Harbor, Concord, Dunbarton, Ellsworth, Epsom, Franklin, Gilford, Hebron, Hill, Holderness, Hopkinton, Laconia, Loudon, Meredith, Northwood, Pembroke, Pittsfield, Plymouth, Rumney, Salisbury, Sanbornton, Thornton, Tilton.
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